Monday, February 18, 2013

Reading 1

What is Art? A simple question, but at the same time it's hard to figure it out. As Jerry Saltz states that "Art is a way of thinking, a way of knowing yourself" I totally agree with him. For me, art is way of showing who we really are. Showing what we really  feel. And showing what we can do. Art is not about how good can we draw or paint. Is about how dedicate we are and passionate in a certain work. Not many people feel or sees the same thing. But most of us understand it and respect it. Art is a way of life.

 "Everyone is judging all the time." Yes, it is very true. This world revolves around it. Being a critic means, you have to judge. You have to say something about a certain work. But does it ok to skip a work that a critic doesn't like? I don't think so. Every work has it story. It has meaning. Everyone deserve a chance to show their work. A chance to tell everybody that they made this and be proud of it. We should give them that chance. A critic should be someone who is not afraid to write or say what he/she really feels about the work and be open in every artist. A critic should judge the art by it's meaning not the background or academic status of the artist or creator. A critic that does not afraid to see a normal or simple work. A critic who can distinguish the real true art from imitation. A kind of person who uses both of his/her ideas and eyes to reveal or see a real art. A person that can speak or write something that everyone will understand. And a person who doesn't write something they just see, but something they see through it.

Everyone can be an artist. But before that we should know ourselves. Reveal ourselves. Understand ourselves. We have to be courageous and keep doing something new. We have to conquer our fear to do something or think outside the box. Try to create something impossible. Try to be ourselves. Most of us don't know how to be ourselves. Art can teach us that. It can renew us. It can helps us to show the world who we really are. Art is powerful. It's important in every people's live. A life without art would be dull and worthless. Art is an essence of life.

Chrislyn Bulanadi
"Hidden Feelings"

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